Important: Please do not bring your dogs to the event as they can be startled by the loud noises and cause a danger to others – disabled assistance dogs only (on leads at all times.)
Welcome to Doune for the four Lothian Car Club meetings of the 2024 hill climb season. We are pleased to host rounds of:
Motorsport UK British Hillclimb Championship presented by Avon Tyres,
Motorsport UK Hillclimb Cup presented by Footman James,
The Guyson Scottish Hillclimb Championship and the
MAXSport Competition Tyres (Scotland) Lowland Speed Championship.
The event typically runs from 9am till 4pm, but sometimes later or earlier depending on the entry level.
Admission costs
£7 for adults
Children under 16 are free
All Lothian Car Club RS National events cater for RS Interclub licensed drivers as a separate event.
We have, after much discussion increased the spectator admission price up from £5 to £7 per adult. This still makes a visit to the Doune Hillclimb one of the best value outings anywhere. The small increase will be used to fund some of the major safety improvements we are making to the track over the next few years.
Next time you visit please bring a friend and spread the word. You may also like to consider joining Lothian Car Club as membership entitles you to free admission to all Doune Hillclimbs. Membership forms are available at the site office and also on our website.
We are continuing to develop and improve the facilities at Doune and offers of help and/or sponsorship would be gratefully received. If you would like to learn more about being a friend of Doune and providing funding assistance then please contact a club official – either at the club office today or via our website contacts.
To prepare and plan for each event at Doune takes a huge amount of effort and we are a relatively small club with few active members. If you feel you can lend a hand at work parties or on the day of the event please come and find an official of the Club and have a chat – your help would be greatly appreciated – Lothian CC officials are all wearing yellow shirts. Alternatively you can make contact through our website.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the people and volunteers who help to make running Doune a success – marshals, scrutineers, timekeepers, medical staff, stewards, the commentators, committee members and helpers, Dunblane Scout Group, caterers, the drivers and of course the spectators.
I hope if you come you have an enjoyable weekend
Tim Thomson
Lothian Car Club (Edinburgh) Ltd
Racing times
09.00 hrs Start of Practice Runs [08.30hrs if a high level of entry is achieved]
12.30 hrs Lunch Break
13.00 hrs Practice Runs
09.00 hrs Start of Practice Runs [08.30hrs if a high level of entry is achieved]
12.30 hrs Lunch Break
13.00 hrs Start of Timed Runs
Please note these times are approximate and may be altered at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course.
PLEASE plan your event with safety in mind. The following points may help:
- All spectators are reminded that motorsport can be dangerous and despite us taking all reasonable precautions, unavoidable accidents can happen. In respect of these, you are present at your own risk.
- We ask that you obey all instructions of safety marshals, spectator marshals and police officers in relation to your safety and that of others.
- Please make sure you dress to take full account of the weather.
- Please do not bring your dogs to the event as they can be startled by the loud noises and cause a danger to others – disabled assistance dogs only (on leads at all times.)
- Children and infants should ALWAYS be accompanied by an adequate amount of adults at all times who are responsible for their behaviour and safety.
Spectator Code of Conduct
- Please be considerate to other spectators to ensure everyone can enjoy the event.
- Listen to the marshals – they are there to help you and ensure the event runs within the safety guidelines prescribed by the Motorsports UK, the governing body of UK Motor Sport.
- Marshals and officials have the right to work without being abused or threatened. Abusive, threatening or violent behaviour towards officials (who are all volunteers) will not be tolerated and spectators will be evicted from the event.
- Please take all litter home with you or place it in the skips or black bags provided for this purpose.
- Consider your own safety and that of others at all time.